Sunday, May 18, 2008

Chapter 5

Jon looked up at the clock sleepily and while glancing across the room he saw Megan. "Its about time you got up. Do you always sleep this late Jon?"

Jon nodded while he stretched out his arms "I gotta get my beauty sleep" he laughed as he got up off the couch. "Damn Megan why didn’t you wake me up last night?"

"You were sleeping so peacefully I didn’t want to wake you. And by the way you had a huge smile on your face too. Were you thinking about anyone in particular?" she questioned.

Jon thought back about who he was dreaming and started to smile again "Maybe...."

Megan and Jon went into the kitchen while she made herself some coffee "So what did you think of her?"

He grabbed a beer out of the refrigerator and sat down at the table"You know what...I’m always giving you a hard time about setting me up but this time I have to say you did good."

"You mean you are actually going to ask her out" she asked with excitement.

"Well she gave me her number so no use in letting it go to waste." he smiled "Besides that she seems like somebody I would like to get to know better"

Megan got her coffee and sat down across from her cousin "I’m not going to say I told you so....."

Jon laughed "Then don’t!" he got up and tossed the bottle in the trash "I guess I need to go over and see my folks. They are going to be pissed I didn’t go back last night"

"Just tell them you were here they won’t care"

"Easy for you to mom will swear I was out drinking all night. I’m 23 years old and she still bitches at me" he laughed while putting on his jacket.

"Tell Aunt Carol I said hi and if I don’t talk to you before you go out with Nikki.... have fun!"

"You are really sure she’s gonna go out with me aren’t you?"

She smiled back and took a drink of her coffee "I just have this feeling...."

Later that day Jon had spent the day with his family like he had planned, but like a teenager in love he couldn’t wait to back to his apartment and call Nikki. Not since his last girlfriend had he been this excited and he wasn’t even dating her yet. Jon’s mother was talking to him and noticed her son was preoccupied with something so she had asked him what it was.

He was thinking back to the previous night when he caught a glimpse of Nikki as her shirt rose up to her mid stomach "Uhh...I’m sorry what did you say?"

Frustrated that he wasn’t listening she repeated her question "I asked if something was bothering you"

"No mom I’m fine....just a little tired I guess"

Carol arched her brow knowing that it was a little more than being sleep deprived that had Jon acting this way. She knew her son better than anyone and if she had to guess, it was a girl that made him like this. I guess he’ll tell me about her when he’s ready Carol only hoped that he wasn’t getting back together with his ex. He deserved so much better than her. "Johnny, do you want to stay here tonight? You know that you still have a room here"

"Nah....I’m going to go back to my place, I have a few things I need to do" he looked down at his watch at noticed that it was 9 pm "Damn, I didn’t realize it was that late already" he hoped by the time he got home it wouldn’t be too late to call her.

"Are you coming over for dinner tomorrow?" she asked curiously.

He shrugged his shoulder as he got up "I’m not sure yet....just depends" He walked over to his mother and gave her a kiss on the cheek "I’ll give you a call tomorrow and let you know for sure"

Jon got his things together and walked to the door with his mom "Be careful honey....and I’ll see you tomorrow" she smiled and waved at her son as he walked out the door.

He returned the smile "You might see me tomorrow...."


Opester said...

C'mon now, Jon, don't keep the lady waiting! Call her!!!!

The Goddess Hathor said...

Yeah, call her already! lol

Love Carol -- still treating her baby like a, well, baby :) Very cute. Now, let's get to the first date!!

Sunstreaked said...

Mom always knows - of course that distracted "I might get laid look" is a dead giveaway, Jon!

Call her...but treat her nice!